學生時代曾砌過一架1:20嘅935 Martini,那時最頭痛嘅係貼水紙,記憶中當時唔係貼得咁好又裂又摺埋哂,如果有機會的話一定會再試過,但可惜那款模型一直都冇番出。
車殼略加打磨後噴上白色(# GX-1)。乾透後在車殼上劃出Martini水紙上大約紅色的位置,貼上膠紙噴紅色。
You action so fast... you have another model release.....
ReplyDeleteQuestions... 車頭兩側的散熱口偷薄... is use the tools on the photo? Even 打磨 also use the same tools?
Also.. I sure you most of the 轆拎 you also paint difference color... are you just "manual" hands painting on it?
If some of the car need the "black line" to outline the look.. (like the windows edge of your " Tamiya - 1:24 VW New Beetle " ) do you need any "speical" tools to do?
[版主回覆11/06/2009 17:53:00]This is a rather simple kit, it originally design to be motorized, so it doesn't involved many detail parts. Most of the time was spent on preparing the painting and putting decals to the body.
I only use the electric milling tool for heavy trimiming or milling works, for final finishing, I still do it by hands.
For the wheels, I usually paint the light colour by air brush, then the darker colour by hands, then finishing with clear coats by air brush.
For the black lining inside the window, if sticker are provided in the kit, I'd put on the stickers and airbrush the black; if no stickers are provided, I'd firstly use thin tape to outline the shape and hand paint the black. For the window frame, again, I use thin tape to outline the frame and hand paint the black.
the car glass always be the light clear blue color.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/07/2009 00:45:00]The glass is absolutely clear with no blue pigment. It looks light blue may be because the reflection of the sky.
no. if you look out of the window in a real car that you find out the glasses is not clear. it has some color of the glasses because it can made the driver's eyes comfortable. keep attention in a real one.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆11/07/2009 04:24:00]You may be right, I haven't research that detail. Frankly, I don't have many reference photo for such aged racing car.
[版主回覆11/12/2009 20:45:00]其實係啲相影唔到啲瑕疵啫,睇實物可能會... 。不過啲水紙係Cartograf出,質素幾好。祈待孖星會出番1:20嘅version。
我老豆後生係雙星狂,最like 係1:6 big scale 電單車,曾 痴到買咗架CB750 ,淨係對着黎教色,後來愛上1:24 F1 每欵都砌兩架,現己收手好耐。而家睇見你個網,說了 以下說話:「真係高手,我砌唔到。」
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/11/2011 15:36:00]原來令尊也曾是好此道者,謝謝他的抬舉。其實我算不上是甚麼高手,我只是享受砌模型的過程和思考改善模型質素的方法。 小時候我也對1:6的電單車很着迷,尤其是孖星的Harley Davidson警察電單車,可惜價錢太高不捨得亦沒有錢買,加上那時我的模型技術只在起步階段,不想糟塌一盒那麼貴的模型。