4 October 2009
Tamiya - 1:24 VW New Beetle
Although VW Beetle is one of my favours cars, I prefer the classic Beetle more than the modern version. Checking my model list, this is my fourth New Beetle kit, which topped the number of same model I bought. The first kit built poorly and had been scraped; the second one has completed in light green color some years ago, it still looks great on the shelf; the third one is undergo a conversion to a open top version with indefinite completion date. The fourth one, this one, is built as a gift for a friend, I have two-week time to complete it.
This is a simple kit, it doesn't have many parts, besides I have previous experience, so I shouldn't have any problem in completing it on time. However, I want add some uniques characters making it a bit difference. Two-week is long enough to complete the car but not long enough for any major modifications, so I'll focus on the body color presentation.
In the preliminary preparation works, all seam lines and rough surfaces on the body are sand off with rough sand paper. Additionally, all filled light housings, badge foundations, and front air intake are drilled open; the pre-molded front license plate is removed (blue circles).
Deciding the painting scheme is probably the most time consuming process to me. I searched some art Beetles (classic and modern) on the web for ideas. I found that there are quite a number, each of which is so unique, I become drorwn with ideas now! The very preliminary plan is to paint it similar to "Herbie", the Hollywood star classic Beetle, apply to the modern version.
While still deciding the painting scheme, I assemble other parts to be efficiency. Firstly is the chassis and the suspensions. Since these parts cannot be seen when completed, I just colored and assembled the parts as stated in the manual. Additionally, the body and certain parts inside the car are sprayed with white primer.
It's now less than ten day from the deadline but still have not decide the painting scheme. I have a second though of the "Herbie" plan that it doesn't look good on the New Beetle. Besides, my friend might not know who is Herbie.
While still thinking of the painting scheme, I turned to modify the car a bit. I decide to open the driver-side window to show the interior of the car. Firstly, the rear window is taped or protection, then carefully and patiently use the needle point, cutter, and P/E saw interchangeably to scrape off the front window with the frame remains attached. Great care is taken as the plastic glass is very rigid but fragile. Since the cutted window glass is not damaged, I can cut it in half to made the window half-opened as another option.
Further treatment to the cutted window glass. The glass is too thick tot eh car, it need to "slim down" . Firstly, use metal file to sand down the surround thicknessm then use coarse sandpaper to smoothen the filed area; then use fine sandpaper. Finally apply different grade of rubbing compounds (from coarse to fine) to bring the clarity back.
For the interior, I would use similar colors as the body for coherency. As it is close to the deadline, I need to decide what color scheme to be used. The "Herbie" plan is out, then I refer to the dual color used on the VW Karmann-Ghia previously, I think the color (white and purple) should look good on the New Beetle. Besides, it gives me a chance to use up the remaining paint. Instead of paint the entire lower part of the car in purple like the Karmann-Ghia does, I only apply to the wheel hub around the car. The remaining body and front/back lids are remained in white. I test assembling the wheels tot he car, I found that the chrome wheels are no longer match with the body color, so I bleach off the chrome plate with thinner and paint them in coherence with the body color. Before applying the final clear coat, I put a red "36" number on the top.
However, I found the numbers look odd to the car, so I sand them off and repaint the top. On the other day, I bought a bag of white pearl powder from a model shop, I want to try it on the car. I mixed the powder in the clear paint and spray it on. As the result, the purple looks more metallic, however, the white doesn't look much difference.
The humidity these days is very high, it would just waste of time and paint to spray clear coat under such humid weather, but the deadline is approaching, I am afraid I cannot complete the car by the deadline, shame...
The deadline has past, fortunately there is secondary deadline in three weeks later, this is definately the final deadline..
A week later, the humidity went down a bit but still not dry enough for the spray job. Another week later, the humidity dropped below 70%, the green light is on and I immediately do the spray job. Allow the paint to dry for couple of days before proceeding the final finishing.
Final finishing is done. I assemble the rest, I use reflective tape to replace the interior of the rear light housing. The car is done before the final deadline.
After having completed 3 New Beetles, I'm tire of it. Unfortunately, there is still one more box in my stack!
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nice blog~~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/13/2009 18:03:00]Welcome and thank you.
你好! 請問你另外果部蘋果綠new beetle, 是有銀底的嗎? 怎溝出來的?
ReplyDelete因為我砌緊果部new beetle都想噴這色, 諗左好耐都未諗到點溝...... Many Thanks x 10000!!!
我都有砌車啊~ 得閒嚟坐下啦~
[版主回覆03/01/2010 01:08:00]歡迎mui兄,嗰隻綠色係自己溝的,但冇銀底成份。架車已經砌好咗好耐,隻色點樣溝已經唔記得啦,但應該係郡氏白油加適量嘅Yellow Green (#64),噴好後我再加多咗一層Green Pearl但我覺得White Pearl效果會較顯眼。
我都有到訪過你嘅Blog,你隻粉紅狗砌得好正尤其是啲陰影 。我舊年都買咗盒試吓砌,遲啲一定要向你請教請教。
良兄, 之前睇左你回覆後reply返你, 但可能yahoo blog問題, 所以無左~
ReplyDelete多謝良兄提供既方法, 小弟會試下的, thanks again!!!
[版主回覆04/07/2010 01:58:00]Mui兄,有時真係比個blog玩死,時好時壞...!唔知Mui兄開始砌波子未呢?祈望睇你嘅傑作。
haha~ TOM兄所講我砌既所謂"神秘車款", 就係呢部啦~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/10/2010 02:17:00]吓,乜褔士比波子買起咗咩 !?不過冇所謂啦,兩間廠都好似係同一個人創 辦嘅,都算有DD淵源。