30 October 2008
Revell - 1:24 BMW Z8
第一日 《九月十六日 星期二》:今日都整咗好多嘢包括磨去車殼上的水口線;開哂車頭車側啲入風和出風口;為車底上色;所有內籠部件及車拎上灰。至於座位因夾口太大所以要用搞搞佢先可以上灰。
第二日 《九月十七日 星期三》:將車身上色,上色期間唔小心跌咗落地,好彩只是花咗少少唔使大執,磨番滑後噴多兩層色應該ok。此外將錶板及門內壁黑色的部份上油,轆拎上銀色等等。
第三日 《九月十八日 星期四》:將今日淨係將椅背的夾口用畢地填好,然後噴番好個車殼。
第四日 《九月廿三日 星期二》:磨番滑座椅後的畢地。因同時間開咗另外一盒模型,所以影響咗進度。
第五日 《九月廿八日 星期日》:今日趁天氣乾乾地攞個車殼去噴光油,噴咗兩層薄油才發覺原來未貼車頭/尾徽章,好似已經唔係第一次,真大頭蝦!好彩只係噴咗兩層薄油啫。
第六日 《九月廿九日 星期一》:秋天已到,天氣乾燥,係噴光油的好時候。貼上車頭/尾徽章後略加打磨車殼,再噴上多幾層光油。跟着順便為車廂上色,主色為半啞紅和黑色,可能因為打咗灰色畢地,所以隻紅色睇上來較暗啞,都好嘅太鮮艷反而唔似。之後發覺原來噴漏咗個防滾架,唯有打後用手油番。執執車廂其他顏色部份,除座椅兩旁還需要噴黑色外,車廂整得七七八八。
第七日 《十月三日 星期五》:用手油埋座椅兩旁黑色,背噴銀色 (但安咗落架車後都睇唔到),車廂大功告成。剩番擋風玻璃和幫個車身拋光後就攪o店。
第八日 《十月八日 星期三》:今日攪埋啲剩餘嘅工序,發覺原來棧尾燈和前指揮燈都係冇燈罩,只係靠張水紙效果唔o店,唯有用手銀色打底,再用透明紅/橙油作燈罩。好彩燈面積唔係好大,所以都勉強可以接受。兩盞車頭燈是相連的,試裝後發覺唔啱位,所以要剪斷獨立安裝。燈罩和車身亦都唔係咁fit,但唔係太離譜,所以用膠水黐住佢算數。車底和車殼墈埋好艱難,因為車殼好厚好硬好難撐開,而且又唔係咁fit。之後裝埋擋風玻璃,水撥,倒後鏡等,之後又發覺原來個頂篷未上色。真激死!
第九日 《十一月一日 星期六》:今日終於噴開啞黑色,可以順便噴埋個軟蓬。總結對呢盒模型不抱太大期望,可能因為係利華貨,質素麻麻,墈得埋和唔駛點大改都已經要還神。
24 October 2008
Fujimi - 1:24 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
This one bought a year ago. A typical Fujimi quality, that is easy to build, and no engine detail. I'd build it straight from the box, no grade up parts (actually I can't afford to buy grade up parts for all models as they are quite expensive and cost more than the model itself).
The body casting is good and in scale, despite of the obvious seam lines run from above the headlights to the end of the car and slight sink marks on the top. The back window has a plastic attached the top and the rear hood to protect the b-pillar from bending or breaking during the building process, quite considerable by Fujimi. The wheels are original Ferrari star-shaped wheels, their size matched the scale. There is a cage-liked part for A,B, and C pillars, another improvement from Fujimi.
Chassis and wheels
Start from assembling the chassis, the wheel covers, and the braking discs, Fujimi has simplified the process to build and colour, despite of lack of detail. While preparing the exhaust pipes, one of the pipes has accidentally flied off and cannot be found. It sad to see one pipe is missing!
Body shelf
Next step is to sand off the seam lines and fix other imperfections on the body shelf, I applied thick primer on where the sink marks are and sand them smooth afterward; re-scribe all the panel lines; attach the side skirts; and seal off the holes for the front license plate ( I don't used to attach the front license plate to the model), gel-typed super glue instead of putty is applied to seal off the holes.
Application of primer
After all fixings are done, a couple coats of grey primer is applied to the body and the interior parts to spot any unseen imperfections for further handling and, the most important, to completely block off the red body colour, grey primer works better on coverage the base colour than the white. As I decided to spray the car in light colour, the body parts need to spray a coat of white primer in the final stage.
There are quite a number of interior and exterior parts need to prime, both hand brake and handle bar at the central console will be primed by hand.
Nevertheless, white primer was applied to all exterior as well as interior parts as I have no plan of choosing what colour (light or dark) to be used for interior.
Body colouring
Leave all the parts to dry overnight, the body is paint with yellow colour, the colour is a Gunze #4 (Yellow) as the base plus just a few drops of Gunze #59 (Orange) to enhance the hue. I've tried to match the Ferari Yellow nut found it a bit too yellow after the paint is cure. Anyway, it's close enough to me.
Put on the decals, the prancing horse decal fort eh back is slightly smaller than the emblem build-in on the body and I have damaged one of the decal by overapplying decal softener.
Interior colouring
Allow the body colour to settle for a few days, I turned to work on the interior. According to the reference photo, the interior colour of most of the yellow Ferrari is charcoal. However, for the model, dark colour can hardly show the details of the interior, so I choose the usual Ferrari interior colour - tan and black. The dashboard has compose of three different colours, flat black at the topmost section, gloss carbon fibre ("CF") at the middle, and tan colour at the bottommost section. As I have no plan of using CF decal on this model because of cumbersome, I would use gloss black to replace the CF parts. Besides, it can hardly notice if CF decal is used.
Firstly, I spray all interior parts with Gunze #44 (Tan). It seems tanner than the Ferrari tan colour.
Secondly, seal off the tan colour and spray gloss black to the dashboard, door panels, and the back of the seats. Wait until the paint is dried, I seal off the gloss black area on the dashboard and spray the clear flat base to the topmost area. Then, touch up other black and silver parts, the interior is almost done.
After the interior has completed, I turn to work on the window glass. The glass is firstly protected by a plastic wrap to prevent scratches during the process. Then I free hand draw the frames with flat black. After the glass is completed, I return to work on the body, I spray one thin coat of clear lacquer but found some dusts have stuck on the surface, so I need to sand them off before applying the second coat. After the dusts have been removed, I spray another coat (and final coat) of super clear.
Put on all the grills, head/side/rear lights, paint the side window frame,..., it almost there!!! (pic 6)
Attached everything and assemble the car, another MISSION COMPLETED.
Interior colouring
Allow the body colour to settle for a few days, I turned to work on the interior. According to the reference photo, the interior colour of most of the yellow Ferrari is charcoal. However, for the model, dark colour can hardly show the details of the interior, so I choose the usual Ferrari interior colour - tan and black. The dashboard has compose of three different colours, flat black at the topmost section, gloss carbon fibre ("CF") at the middle, and tan colour at the bottommost section. As I have no plan of using CF decal on this model because of cumbersome, I would use gloss black to replace the CF parts. Besides, it can hardly notice if CF decal is used.
Firstly, I spray all interior parts with Gunze #44 (Tan). It seems tanner than the Ferrari tan colour.
Secondly, seal off the tan colour and spray gloss black to the dashboard, door panels, and the back of the seats. Wait until the paint is dried, I seal off the gloss black area on the dashboard and spray the clear flat base to the topmost area. Then, touch up other black and silver parts, the interior is almost done.
After the interior has completed, I turn to work on the window glass. The glass is firstly protected by a plastic wrap to prevent scratches during the process. Then I free hand draw the frames with flat black. After the glass is completed, I return to work on the body, I spray one thin coat of clear lacquer but found some dusts have stuck on the surface, so I need to sand them off before applying the second coat. After the dusts have been removed, I spray another coat (and final coat) of super clear.
Put on all the grills, head/side/rear lights, paint the side window frame,..., it almost there!!! (pic 6)
Attached everything and assemble the car, another MISSION COMPLETED.
Very disappointing that one of the exhaust pipes is missing.
Very disappointing that one of the exhaust pipes is missing.
21 October 2008
Fujimi - 1:24 Ferrari F430 Challenge #144 Sharknose
Finally got the last box of model in my watch list. Frankly, I saw this model in UML a few weeks ago, but I was waiting for the $40 coupon, so I haven't bought it right away.
The only thing that attract me in this model is, needless to say, its decal, it is so cool, I hope it fits. The parts are exactly same as other F430 Challenge from Fujmi. I think I will buy the PE from Crazy Modeler later, if still available.
1 October 2008
Fujimi - 1:24 Ferrari F430 Scuderia
Finally bought the Ferrari F430 Scuderia and the grade up parts by Hobby Design, this is the third of the four models in my watch list . Although I didn't bought the F430 Challenge, I know some of the parts are newly designed for this kit, the most obvious parts include the body, engine header, and the seats. The model is the standard Fujimi model kits, the construction is same as for F430 and the challenge versions, no surprise at all.
The grade up parts are from Hobby Design ("HD"), ever since I bought the PE grade up parts for the 250 TR, I don't have confidence in the quality of HD products. Unfortunately, HD is the only company who manufacture the full set of PE for Scuderia (although Fujimi will issue the PE in the later time, and I'm sure it should have better quality than HD's, it is not a full complete set), so I have to live with the HD quality again. The PE has provided all mesh parts, full detailed disc brakes, and rear hood. Although I have not start assembling the parts, I think some of them are excessive by the glance. For instant, the disc brake, which compose of 6 PE parts, however, based on my experience, if the wheels have been put on, you can hardly see how detail and nice of the discs. So I think I would rather stick one PE on the face of the model-provided disc would do the job nicely.
Until I start working on the model, nothing further I can comment at this point.
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