The watch list of the upcoming 1:24 new model cars:
1. Ferrari 250GTO (Fujimi);
2. Ferrari F430 Scuderia (Fujimi); and
3. Nissan GTR (R35) (Tamiya)
4. Ferrari F430 Challenge Shark Nose
As a Ferrari fan, 250 GTO is one of my favourite Ferrri cars. Although I have bought one from eBay a few years ago, which made by Gunze Sangyo for more than US$50 (quite expensive), this one from Fujimi is still attractive to me. If the model quality is good, I might consider to sell off the existing one as it's become more and more difficult to find in the market, I might possibly sell it off for higher price to recover my costs. Keep my fingers cross.
Ferrari F430 Scuderia is my another favourite car recently and I foresee Fujimi will manufacture it sooner or later. The car has a lot of Carbon Fibre parts, I don't think Fujimi will provide the CF decal for such parts.
Nissan GTR is a King of the Japanese sports car, needless to say, this one cannot be missed. Additionally, Tamiya's quality is a great guarantee. However, I hope the front wheel of the model can turned (unlike the Nissan 350Z street version).
Finally is the F430 Challenge (Shark Nose). The model only attracted me by its cool decal.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/15/2008 01:38:00]我通常都用透明紅和橙在燈殼的內壁上油,首先油透明橙色 (指揮燈) 然後油透明紅色 (brake燈),原因係就算你油橙色油出咗界都可以用紅色遮蓋,因紅色較橙色深。
但遇著size較細的圓形尾燈(例如,法拉利和GTR般的尾燈),我會在燈殼外面上油,因油在內面效果唔好同埋難度超高。上色程序同上。注意如果盞尾燈有埋倒後燈 (冇顏色透明),咁你上紅色油時就要特別小心唔好油出界,如果油出咗界就用開油水抹乾淨再來過,工多藝熟。
如果盒模型冇尾燈箱的 (ie.實膠) 試吓黐張錫紙或銀色膠紙做底在裝燈殼,效果比起淨油銀色油好好多。記住千祈唔好用模型膠水黐透明膠,因為膠水中的天拿水成份會將透明膠白化。我會用冇開稀的光油作膠水黐尾燈和車頭燈殼。
Happy modelling!!
怎樣調教 Tamiya 水性油的份量? 因我嚐試用 Spray Gun 噴油, 但顏色不均勻
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/16/2008 00:10:00]用在噴筆嘅油應該要開稀,如果唔係啲油會噴唔出或者會噴到表面一點一點唔平均(尤其是光油,一定要稀啲,如果唔係就會有噴絲嘅現象出現)。使用噴筆噴嘅油大約係一份油加半份至一份開油水。調校好先至倒入噴筆。
我想問問 , 模型車引擎應該用白底油好還是黑底油好? 因為我用灰底油上琺瑯油色, 但唔係好成功
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/20/2008 02:33:00]你所指嘅底油係唔係指底灰(putty)?如果係我未見過黑色的底灰。Anyway,我通常都唔會花太多時間去為engine block上色,因為當裝咗落架車度後,根本唔係點睇唔到整個engine,一般我會直接噴銀油就算。但係如果你想將個engine 獨立咁display 出來,咁你可以首先將個engine噴層啞黑色,乾後再噴一層aluminium metalizer (Mr. Metal Color No. 218),乾後用棉花捧將整個engine抺呤帶出金屬的效果。如果你還想將個engine舊化,可以在某些地方做black wash。
我現在砌緊 Tamiya Ferrari Testarossa 1:24,那副 engine 我用灰底油加 XF-16 水性油去上色,但效果一般,欠缺真實感。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/21/2008 00:40:00]我好耐之前都砌過呢款模型,架完成品還响度,但啲細微parts已經脫掉或者唔見咗。我發覺個engine裝咗入車後大部份都比其他嘅parts遮住咗,所以如果個engine上色上得唔好都唔係大問題,只要將parts B19; B21,22; A13和 B14,18,23,24油好啲,出來嘅效果應該都ok。但講真,我記得果陣時我都花時間去噴靚副engine,但完成後我都冇乜幾可打開個車尾箱欣賞。